DSpace at My University FAEF - Faculdade de Agronomia e Engenharia Florestal FAEF - Engenharia Florestal
Use este identificador para citar ou linkar para este item: http://monografias.uem.mz/handle/123456789/2233
metadata.dc.type: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso
Título: Consumo doméstico do combustível lenhoso na Vila do Distrito de Marracuene Província de Maputo
metadata.dc.creator: Mirasse, Jone Januário
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor1: Brouwer, Roland
metadata.dc.description.resumo: O presente trabalho tem como tema consumo de combustível lenhoso na Vila do distrito de Marracuene. Sobre o tema, foram estudados factores que influenciaram o consumo do combustivel lenhoso, como são os casos de idade, sexo, rendiemnto, tamanho do agregado familiar, tipo de residência do agregado familiar. Também foram objecto de estudo as formas de aquisição, quantidades consumidas per capita, a importância do combustível lenhoso na vida sócio-económica dos habitantes. A pesquisa contatou que todas familias entrevistadass vivem basicamente do combustivel lenhoos e que o consumo per capita é de 0,74m3. O distrito é apontado como fonte de abastecimento para a capital do país- Maputo. Comaprativamente com a cidade de Maputo, existem poucas fontes alternativas do consumo de combustível lenhoso na vila de Marracuene factor que acelera a procura deste tipo de combustível. Os habitantes de Marracuene recorrem ao abate de fruteiras para usá-las como lenha, pois as zonas de aquisição já se tomama cada vez mais distantes das povoações. Dentre os factores acima mencionados, idade e o tipo de residência do agregado familiar se monstrarem signiifcativos estatisticamente.
Resumo: The present work has as its theme wood fuel consumption in the village of Marracuene district. On the subject, factors that influenced the consumption of wood fuel were studied, such as age, sex, income, size of the household, type of residence of the household. The forms of acquisition, quantities consumed per capita, and the importance of wood fuel in the socio-economic life of the inhabitants were also studied. The survey found that all interviewed families basically live on wood fuel and that per capita consumption is 0.74m3. The district is identified as a source of supply for the country's capital, Maputo. Compared to the city of Maputo, there are few alternative sources of wood fuel consumption in the town of Marracuene, a factor that accelerates the demand for this type of fuel. The inhabitants of Marracuene resort to cutting fruit trees to use them as firewood, as the acquisition areas are becoming increasingly distant from the villages. Among the factors mentioned above, age and the type of residence of the household prove to be statistically significant. The present work has as its theme wood fuel consumption in the village of Marracuene district. On the subject, factors that influenced the consumption of wood fuel were studied, such as age, sex, income, size of the household, type of residence of the household. The forms of acquisition, quantities consumed per capita, and the importance of wood fuel in the socio-economic life of the inhabitants were also studied. The survey found that all interviewed families basically live on wood fuel and that per capita consumption is 0.74m3. The district is identified as a source of supply for the country's capital, Maputo. Compared to the city of Maputo, there are few alternative sources of wood fuel consumption in the town of Marracuene, a factor that accelerates the demand for this type of fuel. The inhabitants of Marracuene resort to cutting fruit trees to use them as firewood, as the acquisition areas are becoming increasingly distant from the villages. Among the factors mentioned above, age and the type of residence of the household prove to be statistically significant.
Palavras-chave: Consumo doméstico
Combustível lenhoso
Distrito de Marracuene
metadata.dc.subject.cnpq: Ciências Agrárias
Recursos Florestais e Engenharia Florestal
metadata.dc.language: por
metadata.dc.publisher.country: Moçambique
Editor: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
metadata.dc.publisher.initials: UEM
metadata.dc.publisher.department: Faculdade de Agronomia e Engenharia Florestal
metadata.dc.rights: Acesso Aberto
URI: http://monografias.uem.mz/handle/123456789/2233
Data do documento: Abr-2004
Aparece nas coleções:FAEF - Engenharia Florestal

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