DSpace at My University FAEF - Faculdade de Agronomia e Engenharia Florestal FAEF - Engenharia Florestal
Use este identificador para citar ou linkar para este item: http://monografias.uem.mz/handle/123456789/2293
metadata.dc.type: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso
Título: Estudo da composição e estrutura arbórea ao longo de um gradiente altitudinal na Reserva Florestal de Moribane
metadata.dc.creator: Muhate, Aristides Baptista
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor1: Sitoe, Almeida
metadata.dc.description.resumo: Foi usado transecto com 16 parcelas de 0,1 ha na direcção Este-Sudoeste para comparar a composição, estrutura, diversidade da vegetaçÃo arbórea e identificação dos factores que mais afectam na composição na Reserva Florestal de Moribane que se situa na Província de Manica, centro de Moçambique, num intervalo altidinal de 245m a 641m. Neste intervalo foram definidos 4 intervalos altitudinais de 200-4000m, Newtonia buchananii 400-500m e acima dos 600m, e Millettia stuhlmamnii, Funtumia africana, Newtonia buchanall dos 400-500m. A Composição a 200-400m mostrou uma similaridade muito baixa em relação aos restantes intervalos altitudinais. Nos intervalos altitudinais acima de 400m, houve uma maior similaridade. A distribuição diamétrica, foi do tipo "J"invertido típico de florestas nativas e distintas entre os intervalos altitudinais. A diversidade não mostrou diferenças significativas entre os intervalos altitudinais. A ordenação das parcelas pelo CCA permitiu s distinção de 2 tipos de formações lenhosas: A floresta aberta ou miombo, dominado pela espécie Brochystegia spiciformis e a floresta higrófila dominada pela Newtonia buchananil e Funtumia africana e Millettia stuhlmanii. O PCA mostrou que o principal gradiente era de sitos de altitude baixa com alto conteúdo de areia, pH e limo para solos com maior conteúdo de argila, baixos valores de pH pouco linosos e altos. O trabalho mostrou que a textura é o factor determinantes na diferenciação dos tipos vegetais na área de estudo e que a composição de espécies estava relacionado em grande parte pela textura do solo.
Resumo: A transect with 16 plots of 0.1 ha in the east-southwest direction was used to compare the composition, structure, diversity of arboreal vegetation and to identify the factors that most affect the composition of the Moribane Forest Reserve, which is located in Manica Province, central of Mozambique, in an altitudinal range of 245m to 641m range were defined 4 altitudinal ranges of 200-4000m, Newtonia buchananii 400-500m and above 600m, and Millettia stuhlmamnii, Funtumia africana, Newtonia buchanall of 400-500m. The Composition at 200-400m showed very low similarity to the remaining altitudinal ranges. In altitudinal intervals above 400m, there was a greater similarity. The diametric distribution was of the inverted "J" type typical of native forests and distinct between the altitudinal intervals. Diversity did not show significant differences between the altitudinal ranges. The arrangement of the plots by CCA allowed the distinction of 2 types of woody formations: The open forest or miombo, dominated by the species Brochystegia spiciformis and the hygrophilous forest dominated by Newtonia buchananil and Funtumia africana and Millettia stuhlmanii. The PCA showed that the main gradient was from low altitude sites with high sand, pH and silt content to soils with higher clay content, low pH values ​​that are not very lininous and high. The work showed that texture is the determining factor in the differentiation of plant types in the study area and that species composition was largely related to soil texture. A transect with 16 plots of 0.1 ha in the east-southwest direction was used to compare the composition, structure, diversity of arboreal vegetation and identification of the factors that most affect the composition in the Moribane Forest Reserve, which is located in Manica Province, central of Mozambique, in an altitudinal range of 245m to 641m. In this interval, 4 altitudinal intervals were defined from 200-4000m, Newtonia buchananii 400-500m and above 600m, and Millettia stuhlmamnii, Funtumia africana, Newtonia buchanall from 400-500m. The Composition at 200-400m showed very low similarity to the remaining altitudinal ranges. In altitudinal intervals above 400m, there was a greater similarity. The diametric distribution was of the inverted "J" type typical of native forests and distinct between the altitudinal intervals. Diversity did not show significant differences between the altitudinal ranges. The arrangement of the plots by CCA allowed the distinction of 2 types of woody formations: The open forest or miombo, dominated by the species Brochystegia spiciformis and the hygrophilous forest dominated by Newtonia buchananil and Funtumia africana and Millettia stuhlmanii. The PCA showed that the main gradient was from low altitude sites with high sand, pH and silt content to soils with higher clay content, low pH values ​​that are not very lininous and high. The work showed that texture is the determining factor in the differentiation of plant types in the study area and that species composition was largely related to soil texture.
Palavras-chave: Comunidades vegetais
Recursos florestais
Vegetaçao arbórea
Reserva Florestal de Moribane
metadata.dc.subject.cnpq: Ciências Agrárias
Recursos Florestais e Engenharia Florestal
metadata.dc.language: por
metadata.dc.publisher.country: Moçambique
Editor: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
metadata.dc.publisher.initials: UEM
metadata.dc.publisher.department: Faculdade de Agronomia e Engenharia Florestal
metadata.dc.rights: Acesso Aberto
URI: http://monografias.uem.mz/handle/123456789/2293
Data do documento: Jun-2004
Aparece nas coleções:FAEF - Engenharia Florestal

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